Growing older means that there is growth involved, not only decline.

Later Life Issues, counseling, psychotherapy, nyc, upper west side

Life after 60 can be as vibrant, productive, and growth enhancing as any other stage of life.


Is there more to later in life than your numerical age getting larger or more visits to the doctor? Sometimes people think that therapy is for younger people, people who are starting out their lives, their professions, their families or their alternative lifestyles. Sometimes this view comes from a kind of subtle ageism.

Life after 60 can be as vibrant, productive, and growth enhancing as any other stage of life. Growing older means that there is growth involved, not only decline.  Just as in early in life development, there are hills to climb, tasks to master, satisfactions to be enjoyed. There also needs to be acceptance of the passage of time and losses that have occurred.

Therapy can provide an opportunity to both look back and reflect on where you have been and what feelings you may have about the choices you have made and not made, as well as an opportunity to think about what is important to you now, as you look ahead and make significant choices about your future.

Sometimes, getting older becomes too fraught with regrets and those need to be understood and worked thorough more fully so they do not take over your emotional state. Sometimes a period of sadness will help you to move on and start anew with enthusiasm and optimism. Feelings about relationships that did not work out, including therapy that did not succeed, being alone, the realities of a shortened life span, unfulfilled hopes and uncertainties about new ventures come with the territory. Sometimes issues that have always been difficult for you that seem to be related to later in your life can be tracked back to early in life conflicts and when worked on, can finally be eliminated once and for all.  It is never too late to change how you FEEL about yourself, your life and those who have been part of your life, both positively and negatively.